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Title: Mytholmroyd Farmhouse, Scout Road, Mytholmroyd - CBC00993

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Mytholmroyd Farmhouse, Scout Road, Mytholmroyd - CBC00993


Grade II*

House, with evidence of late medieval timber-frame rebuilt in stone, early to mid C17. Well coursed dressed stone, stone slate roof. 3-room plan with through-passage forms T-shape with projecting cross-wing flush with projecting housebody each under separate steeply pitched gable with kneelers and bases for finials with projecting rainwater-spout set in valley between. 2 storeys. Continuous hoodmould over ground floor windows has casement moulding and heart shaped stop to left hand end. lst floor windows have hoodmoulds with decorated stops. 1st cell has 2 chamfered mullioned windows of 2 lights to service end; doorway with composite jambs has Tudor arched lintel and chamfered surround with 2-light double chamfered mullioned window over to 1st floor. All other windows are double chamfered mullioned. 2-light fire-window; housebody breaks forward and has 7-light window with 10-light mullioned and transomed window over to 1st floor; inserted late C18 doorway with monolithic jambs; 6-light parlour window with 10-light mullioned and transomed window over to 1st floor. Left hand return wall has 3-light chamfered mullioned window to ground floor and 10-light double chamfered mullioned window over to 1st floor; coped gable with kneelers, apex stone has carved fleur-de-lys. Rear has projecting wing to left with C18 doorway with monolithic jambs to left of 4-light chamfered mullioned window with 10-light mullioned and transomed window over to 1st floor. Rendered outshut of indeterminate date has 2 chamfered mullioned windows over to 1st floor. Similar through passage doorway to left of 2-light window and inserted C18 doorway. Right hand return wall has chamfered mullioned windows of 2 lights and 3 lights and lateral stack with 2 diamond set flues. One other stack to ridge backs on to through passage. Interior: Housebody has large bressumer beam supported by post on stylobat with board and muntin panelled fire-screen which has triple reeded edges. Ceilings of housebody and parlour have finely reeded spine beams and floor joists. Parlour retains fireplace with stop chamfered jambs. Chamber over has similar Tudor arched fireplace with stop chamfered jambs. Large post with heavily jowled head survives from earlier timber framed house and supports king post truss with 10 "V" struts. Other king post trusses. Interior doorways are similar to through passage doorways. Prominent within the town. Illustrated in A. Comfort, Ancient Halls in and About Halifax, (1913) p.22. C. F. Stell, p.50, 51, 76.

NGR SE 01235 25755

Historic England List Entry Number


CMBC Ref HR 2/249




PHDA - Calderdale MBC


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Mytholmroyd Farmhouse, Scout Road, Mytholmroyd - CBC00993,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 14, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/36302.

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