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Title: Wadsworth Banks Farmhouse, Raw Lane, Mytholmroyd - CBC00945

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Wadsworth Banks Farmhouse, Raw Lane, Mytholmroyd - CBC00945


Grade II*

House, late medieval timber framed house the timber mostly replaced in stone at different phases early to late C17. Now forms L-shaped plan with projecting cross-wing. Large dressed stone to front, hammer dressed stone to sides and rear, blue slate roof. 2 storeys. Cross-wing has plinth, impressive 18-light parlour window, double chamfered mullioned and transomed with 2 king mullions with hoodmould over with decorative stops. Over, to 1st floor, the same but without label stops. Coped gable with kneelers and finial. Right hand return wall has-double chamfered mullioned cross-window with 2-light window over. Hall range has double chamfered mullioned windows to ground floor and chamfered mullioned to 1st floor. 8-light window with king mullion with 6-light window over. 4-light window with 3-light window over. Break in stonework. 3-light window with, to either side 2-light windows with continuous hoodmould over with decorative label stops. 4-light window over to 1st floor. Coped gable with kneelers. Left hand return wall of cross-wing has double chamfered mullioned window to rear dairy of 6 lights next to inserted C19 doorway with monolithic jambs. Chamfered mullioned window of 3 lights over to 1st floor. Rear of cross-wing has double chamfered mullioned windows of 2 and 3 lights. String course. Impressive 12-light mullioned and transomed window with hoodmould with decorative label stops. Coped gable with kneelers which have bases for finials. Rear of hall range is single-storey under added outshut, probably late C18 with segmental arched entry with keystone and impost to left of former 5-light thin flat faced mullioned window. 2 stacks to ridge of hall range, one other to cross-wing. Interior of-hall range preserves a close studded timber-framed wall with arched braces and heavily jowled head to post on stylobat. The ground floor. has a board and muntin division wall with sill beam on a stone footing. One face of the panelling has muntins with roll moulding of high quality dating from the late C15. A very rare and important survival. C. F. Stell, p.39-43, 279, 280, 282.

NGR SE 01508 26763

Historic England List Entry Number


CMBC Ref HR 2/219




PHDA - Calderdale MBC


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Wadsworth Banks Farmhouse, Raw Lane, Mytholmroyd - CBC00945,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 10, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/36254.

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