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Title: Hill House Cottage Hill House Farmhouse, Raw Lane, Mytholmroyd - CBC00927

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Hill House Cottage Hill House Farmhouse, Raw Lane, Mytholmroyd - CBC00927


Grade II

House, early C17 with added porch dated 1698. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 3-room through-passage plan. 3rd cell breaks forward forming parlour wing but under cat-slide roof with hall range. 2 storeys. Chamfered mullioned windows of 2 and 3 lights to service end with 2-light flat faced mullioned window over. Doorway with monolithic lintel has composite jambs and deeply stop chamfered surround, lean-to porch c.1980. Over, to 1st floor, is 3-light window. Housebody has double chamfered mullioned windows of 4 lights (fire- window) and 5 lights. Over, are two chamfered windows formerly of 2 lights and 3 lights; all 1st floor windows lack mullions. Wing breaks forward though may have been flush with front originally. Single storey with 4-light double chamfered mullioned window. Coped gables with kneelers. Right hand return wall has former 2-light chamfered window to ground floor with 4-light double chamfered mullioned window over to 1st floor. Rear has shallow gabled open porch to through-passage doorway, bearing the inscription " M G " set within a 1 6 9 8 tressure. To left, at 1st floor is small arched light with chamfered surround. To either side single storey buildings break forward with quoined angles and chamfered mullioned windows. 3 stacks. Interior of housebody preserves reeded bressumer and spine beams. C. F. Stell, p.96.

NGR SE 01178 26704

Historic England List Entry Number


CMBC Ref HR 2/212




PHDA - Calderdale MBC


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Hill House Cottage Hill House Farmhouse, Raw Lane, Mytholmroyd - CBC00927,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 10, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/36236.

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