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Title: White Lee and White Lee House, including Archway attached to rear, Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd - CBC00872

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White Lee and White Lee House, including Archway attached to rear, Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd - CBC00872


Grade II

House, now in more than one occupation. Initialled and dated "G B 1 6 0 7" R L and "I S S 1 7 2 7" with rear addition late C19. Large dressed stone to 1st cell with thinner coursed stone to 2nd and 3rd cells possibly dating from 1727 when the 1st floor windows were probably replaced. 3-room linear plan with through-passage, String course survives to 1st cell only. All ground floor windows are double chamfered mullioned. 1st cell has 2 windows of 3 lights (with an extra light opened between) with same over, though smaller to 1st floor. Doorway with renewed lintel bearing 1727 date with early date in relief set above. 2nd and 3rd cells each have 6-light windows with king mullions, but that to 2nd cell is reduced to accommodate C19 doorway with monolithic jambs. 1st floor has chamfered mullioned windows, c.1727, of 6 lights and 5 lights. Coped gables with kneelers. Left hand return wall has double chamfered mullioned window with 2 king mullions formerly of 7 lights. Over to 1st floor 3-light window. Rear of 1st cell has through-passage doorway (blocked) with chamfered surround to left of 2 chamfered windows formerly of 2 lights, one opened to form a door. 4-light double chamfered mullioned window over to 1st floor. Attached to north corner of rear wall is tall semi-circular arched entry to rear courtyard with moulded impost. C. F. Stell, p.276.

NGR SE 01550 26181

Historic England List Entry Number 1229868

CMBC Ref HR 2/186




PHDA - Calderdale MBC


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“White Lee and White Lee House, including Archway attached to rear, Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd - CBC00872,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 2, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/36181.

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