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Title: Hoo Hole Farmhouse and Rear Wing attached to Hoo Hole House, Hoo Hole Lane, Cragg Vale - CBC00806

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Hoo Hole Farmhouse and Rear Wing attached to Hoo Hole House, Hoo Hole Lane, Cragg Vale - CBC00806


Grade II

Late C16 cross-wing and early Cl8 rear kitchen wing to hall range now replaced by late C19 house of no particular interest. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. Cross-wing has coped gable with kneelers and 6-light double chamfered mullioned window with deep outer chamfer, cavetto moulded mullions, king mullion and hoodmould with straight return. Left hand return wall has 2 inserted doorways. Rear wing has 8-light double chamfered mulioned window with 2 king mullions and almost square reveals with 5-light chamfered mullioned window over to 1st floor. Rear has depressed Tudor arched lintel to doorway, altered window with 6-light chamfered mullioned window over to 1st floor. Gable stack. Cross- wing has well dressed stack to ridge. Interior of cross-wing has chamfered post on stylobat with curved braces to hall arcade and tie-beam of king post truss which has vertical struts, very large straight chamfered brace to ridge, and remains of painted plasterwork probably mid C16 with lunettes and arabesques. A rare survival.

NGR SE 00724 25356

Historic England List Entry Number 1278974

CMBC Ref HR 2/154




PHDA - Calderdale MBC


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Hoo Hole Farmhouse and Rear Wing attached to Hoo Hole House, Hoo Hole Lane, Cragg Vale - CBC00806,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 2, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/36116.

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