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Title: White Lion Public House, Hollins Lane, Hebden Bridge - CBC00797

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White Lion Public House, Hollins Lane, Hebden Bridge - CBC00797


Grade II

House originally known as King's Farm dating from 1657 substantially rebuilt late C19. Known to have been a public house from the mid C18. Dressed stone, stone slate roof. Original house had 2-room front with rear kitchen wing, some material of this date survives to ground floor. Added to right hand end is C19 addition that follows the curve of the road alignment. Continuous hoodmould over ground floor windows; central doorway has decorated shaped lintel similar to Oaks, (off) Pennine Way (q.v.), bearing date 1657 set within a tressure, composite jambs with chamfered surround. 4-light flat faced mullioned windows to left, to right is former 18-light double chamfered mullioned and transomed window which only retains 2 king mullions. Over doorway is cyma moulded cornice on consoles and projecting gabled hood on consoles for signboard. To either side 3 large lights with basket arched lintels with dropped keystone retaining original 12-paned glazing the central light of which is sashed. The attached range to right has flat faced mullioned windows with slightly projecting sills of 2 and 3 lights. Main range has coped gables with kneelers and stacks. Left hand return wall has impressive extruded stack and cut-back corner for access to rear yard. Rear kitchen wing has 7-light double chamfered mullioned window with hoodmould. Over, to 1st floor, is a 6-light flat faced mullioned window. Gable stack. Illustrated in Calder Civic Trust, Hebden Bridge Trail (Bolton, no date) p.10. C. F. Stell, p.102, 287, 299.

NGR SD 99316 27339

Historic England List Entry Number 1229496

CMBC Ref HR 5/153




PHDA - Calderdale MBC


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“White Lion Public House, Hollins Lane, Hebden Bridge - CBC00797,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 2, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/36107.

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