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Title: Upper Hathershelf, Hathershelf Lane, Luddendenfoot - CBC00738

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Upper Hathershelf, Hathershelf Lane, Luddendenfoot - CBC00738


Grade II

House, initialled and dated "TSG 1687". Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 3-room, through-passage, double-pile plan. Quoins. Double chamfered mullioned windows to ground floor of 5 lights to parlour, 5 lights to housebody (both lacking 2 mullions), and of 3 lights to fire-window. Over, to 1st floor, 2 chamfered mullioned windows of 4 lights (both lacking 2 mullions). Doorway has dated lintel with inscription set within a tressure, renewed monolithic jambs. 2 chamfered mullioned windows formerly of 2 lights with window opened between to form window of 3 wide lights. Over is (4-light chamfered mullioned window (lacking 2 mullions). Left hand return wall has watershot masonry and gable stack. One other stack backs onto through-passage. Rear preserves original doorway to through passage and has straight lintel with double tie-stone jambs and stop chamfered surround. To left, window with chamfered surround. All other windows are flat faced mullioned early C19. Gables have kneelers but lack copings. C. F. Stell, p.105, 287.

NGR SE 02198 25102

Historic England List Entry Number 1279094

CMBC Ref: HR 2/133




PHDA - Calderdale MBC


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Upper Hathershelf, Hathershelf Lane, Luddendenfoot - CBC00738,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 10, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/36048.

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