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Title: Middle Hathershelf Old Farmhouse, Hathershelf Lane, Luddendenfoot - CBC00725

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Middle Hathershelf Old Farmhouse, Hathershelf Lane, Luddendenfoot - CBC00725


Grade II

House, mid C17 with early C18 alterations and additions. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. Irregular plan. 2 storeys. South front has double chamfered mullioned window with king mullion of 6 lights. Hoodmould with decorative label stop to left, broken to right. Over is a chamfered mullioned window of 5 lights. Inserted C19 doorway with monolithic jambs. Clear break in stonework. Doorway with basket arched lintel is inscribed "T S S". Former 6-light double 1 7 0 4 chamfered mullioned window with king mullion is partly obscured by later building at right angles. Hoodmould over window preserves one decorative label stop. 5-light chamfered mullioned window. Left hand return wall has extruded stack to gable. The first floor chamber has a fireplace with a Tudor arched lintel and stop chamfered surround. To right of stack a single arched light with sunken spandrels. 2-light chamfered window over to 1st floor lacks mullion. Coped gable with kneelers. Attached to rear is double-pile range under 2-span roof. Left hand gable breaks forward, has quoined angles and 6- light thin flat faced mullioned window with 3-light chamfered mullioned window over. Set back is parallel range probably of earlier date. Broad coped gable with kneelers. Chamfered mullioned window to ground floor of 2 lights, 4 lights and 5 lights. Over to 1st floor is double chamfered mullioned window, with king mullion of 7 lights (2 + 5). C.F. Stell, p.165-7.

NGR SE 02516 25214

Historic England List Entry Number 1229426

CMBC Ref: HR 2/131




PHDA - Calderdale MBC


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Middle Hathershelf Old Farmhouse, Hathershelf Lane, Luddendenfoot - CBC00725,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 2, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/36035.

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