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Title: Frost Hole, Frost Hole Lane, Cragg Vale 1984 - CBC00676

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Frost Hole, Frost Hole Lane, Cragg Vale 1984 - CBC00676


Grade II

House, early C17. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. 2-room plan with added C19 cell. South front has former 3-light chamfered windows to parlour. Former 8-light mullioned and transomed window to eaves level to former open hall. Doorway with straight lintel, composite jambs and stop chamfered surround forms baffle entry. Left hand return wall has 2-light chamfered mullioned window to both floors. Rear has remains of added gabled kitchen, late C17. Hall range has 2-light former fire-window. Right hand return wall has 2 flat faced mullioned windows with projecting sills of 3 lights with single light over. One stack to ridge. Interior of hall has stone heck, segmental arched lintel to fireplace carried on corbel with cyma moulded shelf and stop chamfered moulded surround. Tudor arched doorway to demolished kitchen. Stop chamfered spine beams. Inserted C19 stone wall with 2 segmental arched doorways. King-post truss with 4 'V' struts, grooved to soffit of tie- beam. Part of plaster frieze to former open hall survives above inserted floor on northern wall. C. F. Stell, p.147-9, 244, 306.

NGR: SD 99998 24903

Historic England Listing No: 1229373

CMBC Ref: HR4/119




PHDA - Calderdale MBC


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Frost Hole, Frost Hole Lane, Cragg Vale 1984 - CBC00676,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 2, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/35986.

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