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Title: Boothroyd Farmhouse, Widdop Road, Heptonstall - CBC02060

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Boothroyd Farmhouse, Widdop Road, Heptonstall - CBC02060


Grade II

House, formerly known as Dick Booth. Initialled and dated "H M 1733" for Henry Mitchell. Hammer-dressed stone, stone slate roof. Two storeys. Two-cell front, double-depth with rear entry. All are double chamfered mullioned windows which lack most mullions but retain king mullions. Former eight-light window with inserted C19 doorway with monolithic jambs, six-light window over; six-light window, four-light window over altered to three lights. Quoins to right hand return wall which has three-light windows to rear room with same to first floor. Cellar-basement has former four-light chamfered mullioned window. Coped gables with kneelers and stack. Rear has doorway with double tie-stone jambs (blocked) to left of former cross-window (lacks mullions) at mezzanine level to light stairs. Under this is single light to light cellar steps. Doorway has segmental arched lintel bearing date in relief and cyma moulded surround. Five-light double chamfered mullioned window (lacks two mullions) altered former four-light window over.

Interior has stop chamfered spine beams. Rear kitchen has fireplace with wide segmental arched lintel and stop chamfered surround. Original cellar with double vault.

NGR SD 96781 30043
CMBC Ref H 168
Historic England List Entry Number 1226820




PHDA - Calderdale M.B.C.


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Boothroyd Farmhouse, Widdop Road, Heptonstall - CBC02060,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 1, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/35606.

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