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Title: 1, 2, 3 & 4 Middle Nook and Attached Barn, Nook Lane, Old Town - CBC01352

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1, 2, 3 & 4 Middle Nook and Attached Barn, Nook Lane, Old Town - CBC01352


Grade II
House, mid C17 altered to 4 cottages mid C18 and with added cell to house to which is added early C19 barn. Large dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. Original house has projecting wing to west only under cat-slide roof with main range. This has 7-light double chamfered mullioned window, band, 5- light window over to 1st floor; slightly set back hall range with altered window, probably of 3 lights originally, with smaller window over to 1st floor; 4-light flat faced mullioned window with same over. Addition to left of wing has wide window to each floor. Barn has semi-circular arched cart entry with simple Venetian window over. Left hand return wall has wide coped gable with kneelers which sweeps down lower over aisle of barn. Rear has 4 doorways to cottages and flat faced mullioned windows to 1st floor of 3 lights and 6 lights. 4 stacks to ridge. Interior of barn of C17 character has large trusses without king posts but with angle struts braced to post on stylobats. C.F. Stell, p.137, 291.

NGR: SE 00678 27815
Historic England Listing No: 1227153
CMBC Ref: W 222




Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“1, 2, 3 & 4 Middle Nook and Attached Barn, Nook Lane, Old Town - CBC01352,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 2, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/35279.

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