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Title: Blackshaw Head Methodist Church - MCH00157

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Blackshaw Head Methodist Church - MCH00157


"The church at the heart of the community"
We aim to serve the local community in whatever ways we can, as both a spiritual and a practical resource.
The chapel provides a useful suite of community rooms which we make available for community events such as the village fete and local history club exhibitions, and we hire out space for both regular clubs and meetings and one-off events and private parties.
The chapel also hosts Blackshaw Parish Council's meetings and provides a performance space for Colden School.
In the porch is our Christmas manger, which is well-used all year round as the village's collection point for donations for two local food-banks.
The chapel is a spiritual base for celebrating and remembering all the landmarks of personal and civic life, and provides further ministry to the community through its beautiful graveyard."


Mick Chatham


PHDA - Mick Chatham Collection


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Blackshaw Head Methodist Church - MCH00157,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 17, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/31584.

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