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Title: Standing Stone, Stones Farm, Todmorden - TAL00366

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Standing Stone, Stones Farm, Todmorden - TAL00366


Set on a high plateau above Gauxholme in the ancient township of Hundersfield is a prehistoric monolith of Kinderscout gritstone. Standing nearly 12 feet high, it is the fourth tallest standing stone in Yorkshire. It is roughly squared to face the compass points and in alignment with it to the west is another smaller stone, suggesting they may have had some astronomical purpose as fore and back sighting stones. It could also be a grave marker and boundary stone, as in some parts of Britain it was customary for a person to be buried on the boundary of his land with a monolith to mark the spot. Indeed Todmorden means ‘Totta’s boundary valley’. Nearby Walsden means ‘valley of the Welsh’, indicating Celtic or British settlements on the boundary of the ancient Kingdom of Elmet.

Text from Calderdale Architecture and History. 

AN 70083191


Geo Wright, 17 Fair View, Todmorden


Todmorden Antiquarian Society


PHDA - Todmorden Antiquarian Society


Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




Geo Wright, 17 Fair View, Todmorden, “Standing Stone, Stones Farm, Todmorden - TAL00366,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 10, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/27311.

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