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Title: Wilcroft Farmhouse and Eastern Part of Wilcroft House, Pecket Well - CBC01368

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Wilcroft Farmhouse and Eastern Part of Wilcroft House, Pecket Well - CBC01368


Grade II

House, c.1728 (first deed) now in 2 occupations. Hammer-dressed stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys. 2-room front, double-depth. South front has 4-light double chamfered mullioned window lacking 2 mullions and with lowered sill, similar altered window over to 1st floor. This bay is occupied by Wilcroft House. 6-light double chamfered mullioned window with king mullion to right, 4- light window over to 1st floor. Quoins. Right hand return wall has wide gable with central doorway with double tie-stone jambs and monolithic lintel, chamfered surround. All windows are chamfered mullioned. 2-light over doorway and oculus to apex (blocked); 6-light with same over to 1st floor. One gable stack and 3 others. Attached to west end is early C20 house (Wilcroft house) of no particular interest.

NGR: SD9960729629
Historic England Listing No: 1265381
CMBC Ref: HR 249




Pennine Horizons Digital Archive




“Wilcroft Farmhouse and Eastern Part of Wilcroft House, Pecket Well - CBC01368,” Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, accessed June 2, 2024, https://www.penninehorizons.org/items/show/35295.

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